Here you will find Frequently Asked Questions regarding this site and it’s operations.
Q: How often is this website updated?
A: Every Friday of the month there are 10 new listings posted.
Q: What region are these DVDs?
A: They are all NTSC unless otherwise stated.
Q: What program do I need to extract .7z files?
A: You will need 7zip or alternative program that extracts .7z files.
Q: Do you take requests?
A: No, we do not take any requests. The content found on this website is all randomly submitted by users.
Q: Can I help donate to keep this site running?
A: Any donations are much appreciated. Head on over to the About page for more information.
Q: Do I need to have a premium account to download?
A: No, you do not need a premium account to download. However you are subject to the primary file host of our choice and their requirements.
Q: How do I go about reporting a dead link?
A: You can reach out to us by email or social media. Head on over to the About page for more information.
Q: How come you chose to use Rumble over Youtube for trailers?
A: Since Youtube is now aggressive in blocking and making you login to view videos (VPN users). We opted in to use Rumbles services to counter these unfortunate restrictions.
Q: Why are there multiple files for MKV files and not ISO?
A: MKV files are packaged in 1024M (1GB) parts to stay under the file host requirements. The ISO files are all premium downloads only thus do not need to be size specific.