
This website was created to help people reconnect with physical media they legally purchased once again. We now live in a time where physical media is becoming a thing of the past. Most all streaming platforms don’t let you fully own your media. So when titles become unavailable then so does your streaming to the legally purchased media you once owned.

Why DVD’s though and not BluRay? DVD’s are great because they are small in size and you can play on portable devices. It’s also a nostalgic feeling. Like when Block Buster used to be a thing.

Ways to get connected

Obviously if you’re on this site you are more than likely already on our clearnet address. However we also have other ways to stay connected.

Clearnet: https://dvdr.download
TOR: wuohdoiddmaqfa5a4wsckmrb7s5rdjj2us7qesbpnbvixiy52xgqrmad.onion

Get in contact

You can email us at: or contact us on social media.

Show your support

Want to show your support? You can donate currently via Monero (XMR) or Bitcoin (BTC) only.

Alternatively, You can help us by purchasing a premium account from RapidGator by clicking the link below and purchasing.


Services used

These are some of the websites we use to utilize this website to it’s full potential.

  • ImageBam : Used to host all of our images (including the website).
  • Rumble : Where all of our movie trailers and video clips are hosted.
  • Cloudflare : The domain registrar, dns hosting and tunnels.
  • Warez Book : The place where all of the posts here are cross posted to.
  • Warez Omen : Another place where all of the posts here are cross posted to.